Swasthi Prajabhya Paripalayantham |
Nyayena Margena Maheem Maheesa ||
Gobrahmanebhyo Shubhamasthu Nithyam |
Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu ||
Let good things occur to the king of the country, Who looks after his people well, in the path of justice, Let Cows (wealth was measured by cows in those times) and Brahmins (People in search of God) have a pleasant life daily, Let all people of the world have a very pleasant life.
Kale Varshathu Parjanya |
Prauthwee Sasya Shalini ||
Deso Yam Kshobha Rahitha |
Sajjana Santhu Nirbhaya ||
Let the monsoon be timely and plentiful, Let earth be covered with vegetation, Let the country live without problems, And let good people never have fear.
Tirupathi Brahmana Samajam
Tirupathi is situated at the Foot of ‘Seshachalam Hills’ popularly known as ‘Tirumala Hills’. Tirupathi is having nearly 15,000 Brahmin families in and around Tirupathi.
The samajam was established in the year 1971. First it was started with 4 members namely headed by Hanumantharal Supdt Engineer, Kesavarao, Srinivasachary. Since then, Tirupathi Brahmana Samajam aimed at upliftment of Brahmins residing in Tirupathi.
Samajam is conducting and organizing various programs in order to unite all the Brahmin Community at one place. ‘Samuhika Upanayanams’, ‘Ugadi New Year Day’, ‘Kaarthika Vanabhojana Mahotsavams’, ‘Bheemaratha Shanthi & Sahasra Chandra Darsanam’ programs are some of them. These programs are being conducted in a colourful and big way every year.
Samajam wants to acquire land and construct a Function Hall for the benefit of Tirupathi Brahmins. We hope that this mighty task will come true with the blessings of Lord Venkateswara in near future.
All these activities are being carried out purely with the donations of the Samajam Executive Members and the members.
Covid-19 Aid

An Appeal :
1. Tirupathi Brahmana Samajam is conducting various programs with the Financial help of its Executive Members and its Advisers. The Samajam wants to promote Vidya Daana Scheme under Vidya Daana Trust.
2. In order to raise funds for Samajam, all the Members are requested to donate liberally for various programs to be conducted by the Samajam as well as for Vidya Daana Trust. For details contact Secretary Cell No. 9894072772.