Tirupathi Brahmana Samajam
Regd. No. 204 / 79
7-3-102, R.S.Mada Street,
President : K.V.Rangnadhan (Bhimas Raghu)
Cell No: 94419 37456
Secretary : A. Ajeya Kumar
Cell No : 98490 72772
Tirupathi Brahmana Samajam, Established in the year 1971. First it was started with 4 members namely headed by Hanumantharal Supdt Engineer, Kesavarao, Srinivasachary. Since then, Tirupathi Brahmana Samajam aimed at upliftment of Brahmins residing in Tirupathi. Now the membership has been increased to 10000. Tirupathi situated at the Foot Hills of ‘Seshachalam Hills’ popularly known as ‘Tirumala Hills’. Tirupathi is having nearly 15,000 Brahmin families in and around the city.
Samajam is conducting and organizing various programs in order to unite all the Brahmin Community at one place. ‘Samuhika Upanayanams’, ‘Ugadi New Year Day’, ‘Kaarthika Vanabhojana Mahotsavams’, ‘Bheemaratha Shanthi & Sahasra Chandra Darsanam’ programs are some of them. These programs are being conducted in a colourful and big way every year.
Tirupathi Brahmana Samajam performs ‘Saamuhika Upanayanams’ for the children of Brahmin Community irrespective of financial status. Nearly 300 children got their ‘Bramhopadesam’ through this dias.
UGADI The New Year Day :
Tirupathi Brahmana Samajam celebrates annual ‘UGADI’ the Telugu New Years Day. On the eve of ‘UGADI’ it honors the eminent people choosing from Brahmin Community of Tirupathi. It feels proud to honor the eminent personalities of community, who served the society through their respective fields either through business or service. Till date Samajam has honored nearly 150 such eminent personalities of the city.
Kaarthika Vanabhojanam program will be organized every year during ‘Kaarthika Masam’. Kaarthika Masam is considered a period in which ‘Shiva Kesava’ both will be adored by the people. Vanabhojanam is a get together program conducted at the outskirts of villages since olden days. In order to keep the tradition intact ‘Tirupathi Brahmana Samajam’ is organizing the event in a big way every year. Hundreds of people from Tirupati Brahmin Community will attend the event and participate in the Spiritual and Cultural programs organized throughout the day.
‘Bheemaratha Shanthi’ being organized by Tirupathi Brahmana Samajam for the Old people who cannot perform for themselves due to various reasons. ‘Bheemaratha Shanthi’ ritual will be performed for old people who crossed 70 years of age and ‘Sahasra Chadra Darsanam’, ritual will be performed for the old people who crossed 80 years of age. ‘Sahasra Chadra Darsanam’ (means the people who saw 1000 full moon days (pournami tithis) in their life time). The program is being organized from the year 2013 starting with 5 members.
One of the aims of Tirupathi Brahmana Samajam is to establish facilities for Brahmin Families to perform their functions and rituals at an affordable cost. In order to perform the Ceremonies and rituals, Tirupathi Brahmana Samajam constructed ‘Mukthi Dhamam’ a two storied building when Singaraju Sachidanandam garu was the Secretary. The building has been renovated very recently. The same can be booked by the Brahmin Community in advance. Mukthi Dhamam can be booked by consulting the Secretary or Treasurer.
Samajam wants to acquire land and construct a Function Hall for the benefit of Tirupathi Brahmins. We hope that this mighty task will come true with the blessings of Lord Venkateswara in near future.
All these activities are being carried out purely with the donations of the Samajam Executive Members and the members.